Mr. Emad M. Helmy is known for his outstanding experience in the field of career guidance and counselling. Mr. Emad used to be an expert for international organizations, such as the German International Cooperation (GIZ), the International labor Organization (ILO), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). He is a Brand Ambassador for the Young Thinkers Program with Al Ghurair Foundation for Education. He provides his services in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Serbia, and Kosovo. Mr. Helmy is one of the founding members of the Community of Practice for career guidance and counselling within the German Cooperation’ countries/projects.
Emad is a Certified NCDA / Career Service Provider and an FCD Instructor. He is an active member of national and international career guidance professional networks, such as the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IEAVG) – National Career Development Association (NCDA) – Network for Innovation in Guidance and counselling in Europe( NICE ). He holds a master’s degree in international education management from Ludwigsburg Germany, and Human Resource Management and Education degree. He is also well-known as an excellent facilitator, moderator, and trainer.
Mr. Helmy is the founder of Career Advisory Tools international.