Working for sustainable development and poverty alleviation are a passion and constant string in Dr. Hanan Elguindy’s work experience for more than twenty-five years, through which she managed to build up a diversified experience supported by a variety of academic studies. Her working experience included working extensively in Egypt, Arab Region as well as some African Countries; through several International Institutions such as: World Bank, European Commission, UN Women, UNDP Regional Office for Arab States, Education Development Fund of Egypt’s Cabinet of Ministers., UNDP Egypt, UNDP Kuwait, Kuwait University, Bahrain University, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, UNDP Libya, ILO office of Egypt, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNFPA, PLAN International, CARE International, and BBC World Service Trust.
Dr. Elguindy has been in charge of leading, supervising and managing variety of programs: including inclusive participation and institutional strengthening, Women empowerment, child protection, career development, promotions of rights of disabled persons, NGOs Governance, climate change, building the capacity of the Ministries of International Cooperation, Investment, Manpower, Environment, and Social Solidarity. This is addition to working extensively with the aim to enhance youth employability, vocational education, solid and hazardous waste safe management; empowering women through entrepreneurial activities; empowering civil sector, media for development; combating gender-based violence and Community based rehabilitation; Institutional Development, small scale and minutes projects for youth and women and decent jobs for women, youth, and persons with disabilities. This experience includes participation in relevant strategies and policies, capacity building, initiatives development, implementation and supervision and assessment for various related development topics.
Furthermore, she had the opportunity to be nominated as a Fulbright scholar to obtain her Master’s Degree on Public Administration, Leadership, Development and Public Policy focused on sustainable development in Egypt from the New York-based Syracuse University, in the US, one of the top schools in public administration and citizenship affairs. This is in addition to studying the role of international organizations in development through her doctoral thesis in the UK based London University. Her university education was in English languages from Alson Faculty, that supported her in preparing for a career path in development and supported by academic studies as post graduate diplomas from the American University in Cairo, in human resources planning and management, public policies, leadership, negotiation and conflict resolutions.
Dr. Elguindy in 2022 became a certified senior expert in International Management Systems through Blackburn Institute in UK and became a certified lead auditor for Educational Institutions (first patch in Egypt) through Examplar Institute of Australia. These two certificated have been accredited from National Quality Institute in Egypt with no expiry date.