A career service provider who was graduated from a professional certified program designed to prepare professional career service providers, using the curriculum of NCDA “National Career Development Association” from USA.
He delivers his services through one-to-one sessions, group workshops, online sessions, events talk, and being guest in various media platforms to achieve the following:
– Help individuals to identify the most suitable job to their personalities, skills, and interest.
– Help individuals to draw their Career path
– Help those who are not satisfied with their current job to regain their job satisfaction,
– Help those who aim to change their career (shift career) to understand the reasons of their decision, then plan the transition in the right form without harming their career.
– Assist individuals in reviewing or writing their current CV
– Assist Individuals in creating a professional LinkedIn account, and understanding how to use it to find a suitable job
– Assist individuals to understand how to prepare well for job interviews
– Train coached in gaining skills needed to present visual content on social media platforms
During his career, he delivered coaching services with foreign embassies through programs presented by the American embassy in Cairo and the Finish Embassy in Cairo, he led a 25 career coaching team to present advising session in both Cairo and Alexandria mega events, he presented workshops and session in Alexandria Library &number of universities as Arab Academy (Alex) and Modern university for technology and information (Cairo), he delivered number of coaching sessions in mega events as Jobzella job fair and Career Hub , beside delivering various Job Hunting workshops.
And with 11 years experience in media, Hatem, worked in many well-known TV channels in Egypt and Arab Pan such as: CBC – DMC – CNBC Arabia – Alarabya Elhadath, till he worked as a Radio journalist at BBC.